Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What The Experts Say I - Discussing Advantages and Disadvantages

As social media and internet use increases, experts weigh and measure the effects of media use on children. Now that media and technology have an increasingly important place in our society as it continues to develop, we have to review the benefits and disadvantages of children and what it means for future generations. The Journal of Post Grad Medicine reviews the effects of media and internet use on children in India as a result of internet use becoming public in the article "Internet for child mental health: Boon or bane." 

Because there are so many uses to technology, there are many different media types that allow for different uses. One potential advantage of media for children is the concept of online learning. Online learning has multiple advantages, especially compared to classes in person. Some of the following benefits include “flexibility and time, learning materials, and the pace and place of learning.”(Internet for child mental health) The article discusses how online learning accommodates many different types of learning styles, as well as facilitating different types of learning activities, and improves internet and computer skills. Another advantage mentioned would be the outlet of creativity allowed from the internet and social media platforms. The internet exposes children to "varied ideas and provides us with the means to express our creativity by allowing our potential to engage in a range of experiences" (Internet for child mental health). Means of expression and creativity are incredibly important, especially for young children. Using creativity is an outlet of imagination and can be such a happy experience for a child.

Medical professionals also viewed some of the negative effects of media use. One of the most important things in development for a child is creating relationships that advance their social skills. With technology now, “peer communication among adolescents has been depersonalized in recent times due to the replacement of face-to-face or voice-to-voice communication by writing an electronic medium" (Internet for child mental health). Along with underdeveloped social skills resulting in less face to face communication, children can also fall victim to racism, cyberbullying, or harassment online. “Some studies have shown that excessive use of computers can contribute towards obesity and poorly developed social skills" (Internet for child mental health).

The experts have revealed some potential dangers and benefits from children's use of online media and technology, which are all things that we as a society need to consider for future use of media by children.

For more information, click here to read the article cited:

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