The use of social media for children and its benefits has been a long debate. As we have fallen into a time of crisis during the global pandemic, what is allowing children to cope and maintain a strong mental health? Social media. For years, parents and teachers have worried about addiction to social media and overuse of technology and how it will affect the younger generation. For now, that argument is put aside, as social media is one of the only ways children and young people are able to cope and keep positive during such uncertain times.
USA Today has written an article discussing the issue and how social media is helping children everywhere while stuck in quarantine. In the world of social distancing, these social medias “might end up being the thing that saves them” (USA Today). As children are stuck in their homes, they are still able to stay in touch with their friends, classmates, and keep themselves in high spirits, even as the world seems dreary. Along with the use of apps to keep in touch with friends, entertainment through media is also offered, such as movies on Netflix, or videos on youtube. As a kid, it is super hard to stay inside and not see your friends, especially when they might not understand the current events in the world happening around them. But through media use, it gives them a sense of normalcy, and can help in the increase in positivity in times such as these.
As far as child development, the improvement in technology, communication, and media use makes it easy to continue on with learning for the school year, even in strange circumstances. Online learning programs, zoom meetings with classes, and educational videos online all allow for a continuation of educational growth.
Though it may be a concerning issue to professionals and teachers, social media use is acting as a saving grace for children of all ages to keep positive attitudes and retain normalcy and structure in their lives.
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